Goal setting. When you think about goal setting, most people think about making New Year's resolutions which start off strong (you are feeling pumped about a new year and a new start) but then you find yourself falling into a slump in February and then slipping into a black hole by the end of March. What were your goals? Why were they important? What obstacles got in the way? Is it time to revisit and revise your goals?
At the end of January, the class made 4 goals focused around behaviour we thought would make us better learners, better equipped to attack new strategies and learning and prepared us to be successful. By setting these goals and keeping them posted in the classroom, it reminded us what our beliefs are about the importance of learning and what we needed to do accomplish those goals. It helped that we could measure our progress on a chart and stayed positive - we had a pretty fun celebration prepared when we achieved our goal!
Its never too young to think about setting goals.
By setting goals students can:

1.improve their academic performance
2.increase their motivation to achieve
3.increase pride and satisfaction in performance
4.improve their self-confidence
This is how we celebrated our achievements today...
We had the best time having a marshmallow fight this morning!
Tomorrow we are going to be talking more about our beliefs and what we want to accomplish next.
Do you have family goals? Things you want to work towards? What do you do to work together as a team to achieve them?
We had the best time having a marshmallow fight this morning!
Tomorrow we are going to be talking more about our beliefs and what we want to accomplish next.
Do you have family goals? Things you want to work towards? What do you do to work together as a team to achieve them?